Children’s Ministries
The Children’s Ministries here at CCBC are committed to reaching boys and girls with the gospel of Jesus Christ s that all will come to know, love, and serve our Savior. A wide variety of volunteers offer fantastic opportunities for children to have fun as they grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For more information, contact Patsy Mincey.
Sunday Morning Worship
Nursery: Birth to Age 3
Children’s Church is open to kids PreK-5th grade (classes are split into PK-1st and 2nd-5th).
(The children come into the main worship service then leave as the choir is coming down.)
Sunday Evening Worship
Nursery: Birth to Age 2 and Ages 3 – 4
Wednesday Worship
Nursery: Birth to Age 3
Beginners: Ages 4 – 5
Primary: Ages 6 – 8
PreTeens: Ages 9 – 12

Aiden had the privilege of delivering some pop tops that CCBC collected to the Ronald McDonald House in Macon. The staff were so grateful and gave him more houses to place around CCBC. They also took Aiden’s picture and posted it on their Facebook page. Sometimes the little things make a BIG difference. Let’s do our part and collect so Aiden can continue to deliver and let others see Jesus in him.

We wanted to show our healthcare workers how grateful we are for their service to our community. All kids made personalized cards or pictures of encouragement that was displayed throughout break rooms at Meadows Regional Medical.